Changing The World.
One Soul At A Time.

I help people break chains one stronghold at a time.

Changing The World.
One Soul At A Time.

“I help people take back their power by tearing down one stronghold at a time. “


Brittany, a devoted daughter of Jesus Christ, exemplifies her motto, “Changing the World One Soul at a Time,” through her unwavering faith and relentless determination.

Drawing strength from her dysfunctional upbringing, academic challenges, struggles with addiction, violence, and numerous hurdles, Brittany’s life story resonates deeply with those still battling life’s shackles.

Her remarkable gift as a bold and impactful communicator knows no bounds, reaching souls whether they come from jail or Yale. At the heart of her mission lies the profound understanding of our true calling and purpose in life.

As an Inspirational Speaker, Brittany is on a sacred quest to breathe life into the hearts of entrepreneurs, students, inmates, people of faith, and those fighting addiction. Her message transcends all backgrounds, inspiring everyone to discard the cloak of victimhood and embrace the mantle of victorious living.

“Soul Purpose Search” signifies liberation from the chains that bind you, transforming your trials into guiding beacons on your journey to freedom. Brittany’s story and mission serve as a testament to the transformative power of unwavering faith and resolute determination.

Brittany Gramm




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